
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bec's Buttercream Frosting

Cheap Eat Challenge Count Down: 4 days

(Bad picture alert)

You know I have strong feelings against shortening, but my sister told me to give this frosting a shot and I did. It was very good. She said with all butter it wasn't right--too buttery. I believe this. And it was really really awesome. However, I do intend to mess around with it--maybe try a combo of cream cheese and sour cream or something--you know, just as a matter of principle. 

We used this frosting on our cinnamon rolls, but I think it'd be a great base for a coconut cake or any cake that needs a light airy frosting that doesn't scream shortening. It would also be amazing between the layers of something super chocolatey, or as the outside frosting of a cake that had some sort of fruit something inside. The possibilities are limitless.

Bec's Buttercream Frosting

1 C shortening
1 C butter
1 tsp vanilla
2 lb (8 C) powdered sugar
3 Tbsp milk
1/2-1 tsp grated lemon rind (optional)
1-2 Tbsp squeezed lemon juice (optional)

Mix together (you want to beat it together until it's nice and fluffy) and spread on cooled cinnamon rolls.

I felt it needed a little something, so I added some lemon rind and juice. I thought it made it super awesome, but Bec preferred the original.



  1. I made this recently to put on your wacky cake. It was incredibly quick and easy, and the frosting came out with a gorgeous look and texture. It looked and tasted just like bakery buttercream. Which actually isn't my favorite, so I wasn't in love, but given that it came out just as it should, I give it a 100%.

  2. It is completely gorgeous and whippy and I have to say I love it so much more than the all-butter Swiss buttercream, which is my nemesis. Blech.
