
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Browned Butter Tilapia with Lemon Dill Sauce

Cheap Eat Challenge: Watch or join us as our family of 6 eats, or tries to, on $6/day.

The title sounds better than this picture looks. (Trust the title.) This is very good and so easy you'll want to cry. We served it with Perfect Home Fries and carrot sticks.

Browning the butter gives the fish an almost sweet nutty flavor. It's really all you need to do. The lemon dill sauce is just extra special-ness.

Browned Butter Tilapia with Lemon Dill Sauce
Serves 4-6
Prep time:  0
Cook time: 20 minutes
Cost: $5.50
(Tilapia: $5.00 if you find a sale, $.50 for the butter and sauce)

1/4 C butter (you could probably get away with 2-3 Tbsp depending on the non-stickiness of your pan)
4-6 tilapia filets
pepper (optional)
dill (optional)

Put the butter in a skillet, melt it and then cook it until it starts to turn golden brown and smell nutty. If you wish, sprinkle the pepper and dill on the filets. Add the filets and cook on each side for 4-6 minutes.

Lemon Dill Sauce:

1/4 C mayonnaise
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp dried dill

Combine well and serve with tilapia. (Or with perfect home fries. Or as a dip for your carrot sticks. Apparently, I like to eat the sauces for my fish on everything else as well.)


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