
Friday, January 7, 2011

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Cheap Eat Challenge: Watch (or join us) as or family of 6 eats, or tries to, on $6/day.

You may have noticed we eat a lot of peanut butter in these parts. There are plenty of reasons for that. First off, we love it. Secondly, at $1.45/lb, it's a good, cheap source of protein for us. Thirdly, my son eats no meat whatsoever, and we've got to supply him with something to fill that hole (because, unfortunately, I don't think ketchup is going to cover quite all of his nutrition needs).

This smoothie is a great after-school snack or after workout snack (it is the season of resolution after all) or bedtime snack. It's also good when you're starving, but dinner is 2 hours away. Best of all, with fruit, protien, and no added sugar (yes, the PB has some, but I didn't add any), it feels much more sinful than it is. Seriously, it's so easy and so so good.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
Serves 1-2 depending on how much you need to be picked up
Prep time: 2 minutes
Cost: $.35
(banana: .12, milk: .13, PB: .10)

1 banana, frozen
1-2 Tbsp peanut butter
1-1 1/2 C milk (I've used whole and 2%)
Throw in 1 Tbsp cocoa if you're into, um, anti-oxidants
Throw in 1/4 C spinach if you're into more wholesome looking anti-oxidants (This will affect the taste only slightly--the PB taste is fairly strong. But it will affect the color.)

Blend in blender or food processor. Throw in 1/4 C spinach if you will. It won't affect the flavor too much and will add a vita-boost.


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