
Monday, March 7, 2011

Spinach Quiche (or Spinach Pie, depending on whose family you grew up in)

Cheap Eat Challenge: Watch our family of 6 learn to eat on $6/day.

First of all, an announcement: I've finally gotten all the recipes on this site so they're printable. Just click on PRINTABLE RECIPE and voila, you should be there.

There now, that's more virtuous than frosting, isn't it. And I certainly don't mean that in a bad way. There are times for frosting and there are times for spinach. Frankly, I enjoy them both.

Don't love spinach pie? You just might love (or at least like) this. I didn't used to love spinach pie either; it always seemed too spinach-y or too egg-y. The cream cheese rescues this recipe from such a fate. Enjoy.

Spinach Quiche
adapted from smittenkitchen
Serves 8
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes plus a few minutes to cool/set
Cost: $2.25
(spinach: .70, cream cheese: .40, milk: .10, eggs: .30, Cheeses: .75)

Note on spinach: The original recipe calls for 10 oz. We made several times with about half that and loved it (meaning that I loved it and Kip liked it). This last time I decided to live dangerously and used about 8 oz. spinach. It did not go over as well, which is what I get for living dangerously. I liked it, and Kip ate it, but didn't eat the whole serving--which was large, but still--and hasn't had any leftovers.) So use more spinach at your own risk.

3 oz cream cheese, room temperature (if you happen to think about it; otherwise throw it in the microwave for 20 seconds)
1/3 C half and half or milk
3 eggs
4-5 oz spinach, frozen (thawed and drained) or fresh (lightly chopped)
1/2 C shredded cheddar
1/4 C shredded Parmesan
1/4 tsp onion powder (or a few sliced green onions if you and yourn like to live dangerously)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

Heat oven to 425.

Beat cream cheese. Beat in half and half, then eggs. Add seaonings, cheese, and spinach.

Pour into a pie crust.

Bake for about 25 minutes or until you can stick a fork in it and come out clean (between 160 and 180 on an instant read thermometer). Cool a few minutes before serving so it sets up.

Cost: $.64
(flour--combo white and whole wheat: .14, butter: .50)
(Yeah, you can buy one, but if you have a food processor this takes only about 5 minutes and it tastes so so much better. And of course, even with that real butter, it's cheaper too.)

1 1/4 C flour (I use half whole wheat and half all-purpose)
1/2 C butter, cut into tablespoons
1/4-1/2 C cold water

Stick flour and butter in the food processor and process until you've got pea-sized chunks of butter (if you accidentally make them smaller, it's okay). Add water, starting with 1/4 C. If it comes together in a ball, proceed to roll it out. If not, add more water by the tablespoon until it does. (Alternately, you can cut the butter in with 2 knives or with a pastry cutter if you don't have a food processor or if you are a purist when it comes to pie crusts.)

Take dough out  and roll it to 1/8 inch thickness. Put in ungreased pie pan and shave off overhanging sides. Or, if you're me, cut and patch because your roll-out job wasn't perfectly round or even close and you have places that need more and places with too much overhang.



  1. My whole family loved this recipe. All three kids ate the spinach!

  2. Hurray for kids eating spinach. You're a step ahead of me because most of my kids won't touch this pie:).

  3. Hurray for spinach. And hurray for your kids eating it. Mine won't. That just means more for me.
