
Friday, April 1, 2011

Yes, it's been a long, been a long, been a long day...

...Care to name the musical anyone? I've got a lollipop in my pocket if you can.

Today has been the worst day we've had in a while, and it started out so beautifully. Sigh. As if that weren't bad enough I haven't had a whole lot of great new foods working out. I burned the carrots yesterday. The savory bread pudding was only so so bread pudding.

So tonight you get a few great links for a few great muffins. Hope you enjoy them.

Zucchini Coconut Bread. Zuchinni season; she is a comin'. Best to be prepared ahead of time. I usually make this with at least half whole wheat flour and I've cut the sugar down as well, though I'm not usually feeling that virtuous since I really really love it as it is.

One Bowl Oatmeal Muffins. I've made these with peanut butter instead of the butter to try to get a healthier fat. They were good, though the batter was quite thick. I actually think they would have been perfect with the peanut butter plus several tablespoons of carrot puree, but I haven't tried that. Also, these are the lowest sugar of the lot, and I know that turns some kids or kid-like grown-ups off.

All-Bran Muffins. Slogan: It's not your grandma's bran muffin. Or maybe I'm just like your grandma (I've always been suspicious of this myself; I was born overly mature, you see.)


  1. Put the lollipop in the mail--I know that one! :) Was very excited to hear it's coming back to Broadway. . .wonder if Matthew Broderick will return? Cute as he is though, I'm even more excited to try out the oatmeal muffin recipe. I also can relate to the grandma comment, because, well, I just realized I probably have too much enthusiasm for oatmeal.

  2. The lollipop's yours, baby. I knew someone from good old Gallia Academy would get that one.
