
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Call For Your Favorite Food Blogs

I know it's supposed to be Leftover Tuesday and all, but we're having guests tonight so it will have to wait.

In the meantime, I've got a wee case of the food blahdy-blahdies or, in other words, I'm in a cooking rut. I'm a little bored with our favorites and feeling generally uninspired, especially in the main course department. I know this seems like it shouldn't be possible with all the food blogs out there, but that's just the problem: it all seems so overwhelming sometimes. You could lose yourself for days in bloggy land. Which is why I'm asking for you to comment with links to your favorite food blogs. Please, help relieve me of my food funk before I drown in salads and PBJ's.


  1. I cheat and subscribe to I like looking at photos first without all of the blog text. Then if I like the photo, I'll click to the actual blog.

  2. It's not a blog, but I just read An Everlasting Meal by Tamar Adler. Super ultra recommend it. It is like Annie Dillard for people who also love food - contemplative and insightful and inspiring and suprising and funny. It definitely borders on food snobbery, but is a pleasure in every way. Very inspiring. And I thought of you as I read it, that you in particular would probably like it.
