I mean, really. It's so easy it will change your life forever.
Before I begin with this INCREDIBLY LONG post, let me say that this is super easy. In a nutshell, this is what you do.
1. Heat 1 gallon milk in crock pot to 180 degrees.
2. Let cool to 120 degrees.
3. Whisk in 1/2 C yogurt.
4. Put lid on crock pot and put crock pot in oven (an oven that is OFF).
5. Let sit for 6-10 hours in oven.
6. Strain through tea towel to desired thickness.
But below I've detailed all those steps and tried to trouble shoot and everything.
(Note: If you want something EVEN EASIER that doesn't involve actually making yogurt, scroll to the bottom for a trick to make normal store bought yogurt into Greek yogurt.)
Now on to the post.
Besides being life-changing in every way, this yogurt will save you a stinking butt load of money if you like Greek yogurt. For $2 (TWO DOLLARS!) I got no less than 10 cups (TEN CUPS!) Greek yogurt--that's $.20/cup if you're math impaired (don't worry--math unnecessary for this recipe; brains in general unnecessary for this recipe). Twenty cents for creamy, perfect Greek yogurt.
You can eat it with anything. I like it for breakfast with some jam mixed it. My kids like it best blended with jam and put into popsicle molds and frozen. My friend serves it as a dessert. She mixes it with jam and then adds a squirt of whipped cream to the top. But don't think it can only be served sweet. This thick Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for sour cream and cream cheese. It can be used in savory dips, for ranch dressing, with tacos.
And in case you missed the whole Greek yogurt bandwagon (or were maybe too poor to buy a ticket), Greek yogurt is awesome and loveable because it is a) delicious and creamy, b) higher in protein, lower in sugar (lactose), and lower than sodium than regular yogurt. And did I mention creamy awesomeness? It's also just way versatile--it can really be subbed for a lot of things.
Let me say that making yogurt is not entirely new to me. I even have a yogurt maker (which I may now sell) that has cute little cups with lids. I used it faithfully when we lived in California, but when we moved here, it became cost INeffective. I couldn't find small amounts of plain yogurt and after I'd bought 32 oz of plain yogurt, well then it seemed silly to bother making little cupfuls of yogurt. And my homemade yogurt always came out somewhat runny. This is true of yogurt. Most (if not all) of what we find in the store has been artificially thickened--cornstarch and gluten are both in Dannon. Homemade yogurt tends to be thinner. Real Greek yogurt, on the other hand, is thick because much of the whey has been strained out of it. But because of that, it is often very expensive. Thus, for the last several years I haven't made my yogurt; I've just bought it. Until the fateful day when my friend (the dessert yogurt making one) brought over some yogurt with raspberry jam in it. It was better than ice cream. Oh, yes, it was. Thick, creamy, and beautiful. And it had cost her almost nothing. And it had been stupidly easy. Now that's what I'm talking about. Because many of the other homemade yogurt recipes I knew of (the ones without the handy yogurt-maker) seemed hard. There seemed to be lots of variables that could cause it to fail. Some required you to double boil your milk (I double boil nothing, people, nothing). Some gave detailed instructions for putting it in a cooler or oven and then keeping it consistently warm but not hot. If you got too cool or too hot, you'd wind up with curdled, runny nasties instead of yogurt. Yes, it was all too frightening. I needed fail proof. I needed dummy proof. I needed distracted mom proof. My friend provided that.
She had used a pot to make the yogurt. You can too if you don't have a crock pot. A regular pot works great, but it requires more of your attention. A crock pot, on the other hand, requires only a one-minute attention span and perhaps and IQ of 32 or so.
Now, what do you do? Let me pull back the curtain so you can be amazed.
1. Put 1 gallon whole milk into your crock pot. Put lid on. Heat until 180 degrees. (Note: I recommend heating it on low. You can heat it on high, but sometimes that means the bottom will get a little too hot, which is--honestly--fine, but sometimes it makes your yogurt come out browner in color.) This should take between two and four hours (depending on your crock pot). If you don't have a thermometer (though one is useful), it will be bubbly/foamy all over on top without actually boiling.) Note: If you get this too hot, it's okay. It does turn into a browner colored yogurt, but tastes normal, unless you were to actually burn the bottom, which I never have in a crock pot.)
2. Remove lid and let cool to 110-120 degrees (if you don't have a thermometer, this will feel warm when you stick your finger in, but not hot--this is the temperature you'd kind of want to get baby formula to--warm, but nothing that would scald a baby's throat). Note: It will sometimes form a skin. My kids hate this because they claim it makes chunky bits in the finished product, so I take a slotted spoon and scoop it off.
3. Add 1/2 C PLAIN yogurt and whisk it in. (I add yogurt to a small amount of milk in a bowl and whisk in order to keep it from lumping up. Then I put that into the big pot of milk and whisk.)
4. Put lid back on.
5. Put crock pot in oven for 6-10 hours. You don't have to heat your oven or leave the oven light on (though you can and it makes for a steady, warm temperature). You don't have to do ANYTHING. The crock pot provides natural insulation, so it doesn't cool too quickly and the oven provides a space to trap the necessary warmth for your yogurt to yogurtify (it should be kept at a fairly stable 110 degrees; it does this naturally in a crock pot in the oven, so don't worry). That said, I would not recommend you put it into a cold oven (not a problem for us in the summer, but in winter it gets chilly around here). If your oven is cold, turn it on for 1 minute BEFORE you put the yogurt in. Then turn it off. Then put the yogurt in. (Ah, now the IQ requirements have moved up to 45). It will need 6-10 hours to yogurtify. It's nice if you can time this overnight. If you do it during the day, you may want to put a little post it note on your oven that says, "Do not turn on." I do this (yes, I do) because if you or someone you love comes in and decides to make cookies and pre-heats the oven before realizing there's yogurt in there, your yogurt will be ruined and you will be sad.
Besides being life-changing in every way, this yogurt will save you a stinking butt load of money if you like Greek yogurt. For $2 (TWO DOLLARS!) I got no less than 10 cups (TEN CUPS!) Greek yogurt--that's $.20/cup if you're math impaired (don't worry--math unnecessary for this recipe; brains in general unnecessary for this recipe). Twenty cents for creamy, perfect Greek yogurt.
You can eat it with anything. I like it for breakfast with some jam mixed it. My kids like it best blended with jam and put into popsicle molds and frozen. My friend serves it as a dessert. She mixes it with jam and then adds a squirt of whipped cream to the top. But don't think it can only be served sweet. This thick Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for sour cream and cream cheese. It can be used in savory dips, for ranch dressing, with tacos.
And in case you missed the whole Greek yogurt bandwagon (or were maybe too poor to buy a ticket), Greek yogurt is awesome and loveable because it is a) delicious and creamy, b) higher in protein, lower in sugar (lactose), and lower than sodium than regular yogurt. And did I mention creamy awesomeness? It's also just way versatile--it can really be subbed for a lot of things.
Let me say that making yogurt is not entirely new to me. I even have a yogurt maker (which I may now sell) that has cute little cups with lids. I used it faithfully when we lived in California, but when we moved here, it became cost INeffective. I couldn't find small amounts of plain yogurt and after I'd bought 32 oz of plain yogurt, well then it seemed silly to bother making little cupfuls of yogurt. And my homemade yogurt always came out somewhat runny. This is true of yogurt. Most (if not all) of what we find in the store has been artificially thickened--cornstarch and gluten are both in Dannon. Homemade yogurt tends to be thinner. Real Greek yogurt, on the other hand, is thick because much of the whey has been strained out of it. But because of that, it is often very expensive. Thus, for the last several years I haven't made my yogurt; I've just bought it. Until the fateful day when my friend (the dessert yogurt making one) brought over some yogurt with raspberry jam in it. It was better than ice cream. Oh, yes, it was. Thick, creamy, and beautiful. And it had cost her almost nothing. And it had been stupidly easy. Now that's what I'm talking about. Because many of the other homemade yogurt recipes I knew of (the ones without the handy yogurt-maker) seemed hard. There seemed to be lots of variables that could cause it to fail. Some required you to double boil your milk (I double boil nothing, people, nothing). Some gave detailed instructions for putting it in a cooler or oven and then keeping it consistently warm but not hot. If you got too cool or too hot, you'd wind up with curdled, runny nasties instead of yogurt. Yes, it was all too frightening. I needed fail proof. I needed dummy proof. I needed distracted mom proof. My friend provided that.
She had used a pot to make the yogurt. You can too if you don't have a crock pot. A regular pot works great, but it requires more of your attention. A crock pot, on the other hand, requires only a one-minute attention span and perhaps and IQ of 32 or so.
Now, what do you do? Let me pull back the curtain so you can be amazed.
1. Put 1 gallon whole milk into your crock pot. Put lid on. Heat until 180 degrees. (Note: I recommend heating it on low. You can heat it on high, but sometimes that means the bottom will get a little too hot, which is--honestly--fine, but sometimes it makes your yogurt come out browner in color.) This should take between two and four hours (depending on your crock pot). If you don't have a thermometer (though one is useful), it will be bubbly/foamy all over on top without actually boiling.) Note: If you get this too hot, it's okay. It does turn into a browner colored yogurt, but tastes normal, unless you were to actually burn the bottom, which I never have in a crock pot.)
2. Remove lid and let cool to 110-120 degrees (if you don't have a thermometer, this will feel warm when you stick your finger in, but not hot--this is the temperature you'd kind of want to get baby formula to--warm, but nothing that would scald a baby's throat). Note: It will sometimes form a skin. My kids hate this because they claim it makes chunky bits in the finished product, so I take a slotted spoon and scoop it off.
3. Add 1/2 C PLAIN yogurt and whisk it in. (I add yogurt to a small amount of milk in a bowl and whisk in order to keep it from lumping up. Then I put that into the big pot of milk and whisk.)
4. Put lid back on.
5. Put crock pot in oven for 6-10 hours. You don't have to heat your oven or leave the oven light on (though you can and it makes for a steady, warm temperature). You don't have to do ANYTHING. The crock pot provides natural insulation, so it doesn't cool too quickly and the oven provides a space to trap the necessary warmth for your yogurt to yogurtify (it should be kept at a fairly stable 110 degrees; it does this naturally in a crock pot in the oven, so don't worry). That said, I would not recommend you put it into a cold oven (not a problem for us in the summer, but in winter it gets chilly around here). If your oven is cold, turn it on for 1 minute BEFORE you put the yogurt in. Then turn it off. Then put the yogurt in. (Ah, now the IQ requirements have moved up to 45). It will need 6-10 hours to yogurtify. It's nice if you can time this overnight. If you do it during the day, you may want to put a little post it note on your oven that says, "Do not turn on." I do this (yes, I do) because if you or someone you love comes in and decides to make cookies and pre-heats the oven before realizing there's yogurt in there, your yogurt will be ruined and you will be sad.
A few notes:
Note #1: Since the original post, I have legit turned the oven on and forgotten I had yogurt in there. Guess what? It was still okay. The yogurt didn't have enough time to get too hot in the preheat stage. Just get it out of there as soon as you remember.
Note #2: Occasionally, for reasons only the universe understands, my yogurt comes out either very thin, or a little clumpy. Who knows... Imprecise temperature, atmospheric shifts, unhappy yogurt gods. But the great thing is that once strained, this yogurt is still delicious. If it's extra thin, you'll have a little more whey and less yogurt--but still a lot). And the clumps won't matter once it thickens.)
6. When you take it out, you'll have regular yogurt. Reserve 1/2 C of this for your next batch of yogurt and put that 1/2 C in the fridge.
7. Now: You can eat the rest of the yogurt regular-style if you want (it was actually a little thicker than that which my yogurt maker used to make). But I HIGHLY recommend straining it and making Greek yogurt (because it's awesome, that's why). Get a tea towel. Put it over a colander, and strain your yogurt. You can do this in the sink if you don't want the whey. Or you can strain it over a pan or large pot/bowl if you want the whey (Note: Whey can be used as a milk or buttermilk substitute in some recipes. It works well in muffins and things like that. It's also good in smoothies. I usually save a cup or two because that's all I use. And I throw it away in a week if I haven't used it by then. Straining will take between two and six hours depending on how thick you want your yogurt. I like mine thick. You might give it a stir after 2 hours to get it to strain more quickly.
6. When you take it out, you'll have regular yogurt. Reserve 1/2 C of this for your next batch of yogurt and put that 1/2 C in the fridge.
(It will look like this.)
7. Now: You can eat the rest of the yogurt regular-style if you want (it was actually a little thicker than that which my yogurt maker used to make). But I HIGHLY recommend straining it and making Greek yogurt (because it's awesome, that's why). Get a tea towel. Put it over a colander, and strain your yogurt. You can do this in the sink if you don't want the whey. Or you can strain it over a pan or large pot/bowl if you want the whey (Note: Whey can be used as a milk or buttermilk substitute in some recipes. It works well in muffins and things like that. It's also good in smoothies. I usually save a cup or two because that's all I use. And I throw it away in a week if I haven't used it by then. Straining will take between two and six hours depending on how thick you want your yogurt. I like mine thick. You might give it a stir after 2 hours to get it to strain more quickly.
I really love mine thick (almost as thick as cream cheese), but the great thing about this recipe is that you can get it to any thickness you like. Here are some pictures from another post on cheater Greek yogurt I did (with a much smaller amount of yogurt).

(See how super thick it CAN get if you want it to.)
Leave it for 8-24 hours and it will get super thick--to the consistency of a soft cheese. You can then use it as a substitute for cream cheese (it has more protein and more healthy bacterial cultures.)
And you're done. You will have a TON of Greek yogurt. In Evansville, we can currently get milk for $.99 at Aldi. And then you'll need a bit of plain yogurt as a starter. Greek yogurt from the store occasionally goes on sale for $1.00/6 oz., but is usually much more. The nice brands can cost as much as $5.00(ish) for 16 oz. or so.
Now to answer some questions:
1. Do I need an instant read thermometer? No, but it is helpful; it takes any and all guesswork away from the process. And you will pretty much earn back the cost of your $9 thermometer in the first yogurt making, so it's a reasonable purchase. Still you don't have to have one. You just might need an IQ slightly higher than 32.
2. What will I do with all that yogurt? The sky is the limit. If you make this stuff, you can stop buying yogurt, sour cream, and (in some cases) cream cheese. You can make amazing smoothies and popsicles. You can do tons of stuff with it.
3. Do I have to use whole milk? Probably not, but I always do. Still, I'm pretty sure you can make it with any type of cow's milk . However, I won't vouch for taste. True Greek yogurt is whole fat. It's only us Americans who've freaked out about that and developed lower fat versions. It is my opinion that skim Greek yogurt isn't really Greek yogurt at all. It is skim, strained yogurt. Eat it if you want. But my other opinion is that fat (without a lot of sugar) is NOT the enemy. I think natural fats are healthy and filling and great.
4. Why do I heat it and then let it cool? I don't have a complete scientific answer for you. All I know is that if you heat it to 180 you wind up with thicker yogurt than if you don't. I imagine you don't have to heat it that much. I know there are even raw yogurt recipes out there. You'll just likely end up with thinner yogurt. Of course, you'll be straining it, so will still end up with thick Greek yogurt--you'll just have a bit less of it because more will have strained out. Note: Since the original post, I've tried making this recipe "raw" meaning that you only heat it to 110 degrees and then just add the yogurt. It is thinner, but it works.
5. How do I make it on the stove top? Let's say you don't have a crock pot. You can still make this stove top. It's best to do when you have other jobs to do in the kitchen because it takes a while to heat and needs to be stirred occasionally so you don't want to burn on the bottom. (You can cook it faster, but you'll have to stir frequently or even constantly so it doesn't burn on the bottom.) Also, you'll want to make it in a heavy pot. The time I made it on the stove top, I used a porcelain-covered Dutch oven pot (WITH A LID). You need to do this because when you put it in the oven, it needs a sort of heat-holding pot. Otherwise it will cool too quickly and not set properly. I suppose you could use a normal pot and insulate it with towels or something, but for me the IQ requirements and fail factor get too high with that.
6. Can I make less? Probably. The problem you're going to come up against with this no fail method is that if you only have a little milk/yogurt in your pot, it will cool off faster. If it cools off too fast in your oven, you'll wind up with runny, curdled mess, not yogurt. If you really really want to make less, I recommend putting it in a small cooler instead of an oven. Or you might just have to babysit your oven a bit more and turn it on here or there throughout the setting process to ensure that your yogurt doesn't get too cool. Anyway, I'd really encourage you to make more simply because yogurt lasts a long time, which leads to...
7. How long does it last? I don't know. Ha. Because it's never gone bad on us and we've kept it in the fridge for upwards of two weeks. I imagine it would last a good month, maybe two, but can't promise that. I will try to do a little experiment next time I make yogurt and set some aside and see how long it takes for it to go bad.
Did you get discouraged with all those steps? Do you want something even easier, albeit not quite as cheap (but still cheap). Here's a method for making regular plain yogurt into Greek yogurt. It's not quite as cheap, but still much cheaper than buying it from the store (where it often has various thickeners mixed in). Also this post has handy-dandy pictures about how it will look as it strains.
Want to take this to a level of unrighteous decadence. Try this Almond Joy variation.
Or you could use cashews, which is my absolute favorite.
Made this on Sunday. Finally got it strained last night and it is PERFECTION! LOVE IT!!
ReplyDeleteI strained mine for about 3 hours. I have previously made yogurt with 2% milk. I used whole fat on Sunday and I love it so much better!
I used a spoonful of blackberry preserves in the bottom of a half pint canning jar, added in the plain strained yogurt and stirred it up when I got to work (I eat breakfast after I get to work). Of course, I topped with some granola I made in my CROCKPOT for some good crunch, and it just made for a fabulous breakfast!
Wow! I especially loved that it had the thickness of greek yogurt but without that sour tang that I just cannot do LOL. Smells like a fish to me, eek! Homemade allows you to get it nice and thick without that sour stuff.
For anyone who is on the fence about homemade yogurt because your family likes commercial, fruity, sweet yogurt. Jam is the way to go. It sweetens it perfectly.
Thanks for a great and easy recipe. No more buying those over priced little yogurt cups!
Yes, I totally agree. It doesn't have that sour tang. Mmm. Just that sweet yumminess.
DeleteJeanie- I see I already sent you a message about this yogurt thing. :)
ReplyDeleteBut have to report that I consistently make this (although not in the crockpot) and using whole milk and straining it, and it always turns out fantastic.
I have finally discovered exactly how I like it (strained 3-4 hours).
I made some last night even though I was dog tired. It was easy (heated the milk, cooled the pot with an ice water bath because it was getting late and I needed to get to sleep), then stirred some of that milk into the last little bits in a jar of a previous batch of yogurt. I then added that jar of milk/yogurt to the remaining pot of milk and stirred well. I then poured into jars, added lids and put the jars in my insulated crockpot carrier lined with a towel. I added a jar of heated water to the jars of milk in the insulator, and zipped it up. This morning - BEAUTIFUL YOGURT!
I'm amazed that even with a gallon of milk and a small amount of yogurt, my yogurt did it's thing.
I placed the jars in the fridge this morning and tonight will do the straining.
I'm so impressed with this whole thing and how much I love it.
I cannot thank you enough, seriously!
One question- what do you make with your whey? I made some muffins and they were just so tangy that I didn't care for them. But, maybe that's because the whey was a couple of weeks old.
Thanks again! Happy yogurt making!
I am so so glad!!! It's one of my absolute favorites too. Sometimes I throw my whey out and that's the honest (sad) truth. But I try to use it where I would use buttermilk. It works well with the one bowl oat muffins on this website (at least I like them) and with pancakes. I also add some to smoothies for extra protein. We drink several smoothies a week and I don't add a ton, but I add a shot or so and it's not noticeable.
DeleteWow! I know a big dummy that would love this recipe.
ReplyDeleteValerie Houghton sex trafficked all of my kids, then had me poisoned. I hope that this recipe is healthy. Here is a link if you want to see what she did to me: https://frankreport.com/2024/05/07/designer-child-trafficking-why-are-the-family-courts-immune/
ReplyDeleteIf you deal with Valerie Houghton, double check all the ingredients before attempting to whip up this recipe. She tampers with food products. More here: https://www.scribd.com/document/485598727/Dealing-with-valerie-houghton-pdf
ReplyDeleteYou really need to be careful if you deal with Valerie Houghton. She is unstable and unpredictable. Lock up all of your food. She will try to poison you. https://www.scribd.com/document/485598727/Dealing-with-valerie-houghton-pdf
ReplyDeleteDon't be fooled by Valerie Houghton's Marriage and Family License. She is a sadistic child abuser. So if you are looking for a tender and kind person, Valerie won't fit the bill. Ms. Houghton has forced all of my kids into sexual bondage and has also poisoned me. Now all of my organs are damaged, testicles atrophied and the shape of my face has changed. AND FOR WHAT? BECAUSE I DON'T WANT MY KIDS RAPED? This is completely nuts.
ReplyDeleteValerie has a team of people who hack, stalk and assault her victims. If you hire her, there is no doubt that her gang of thugs will be involved. She wants to control the divorce. That means that she has to control her clients. Houghton won't be busy with pleadings, legal arguments or reading the latest psychological methodology. You are dealing with a hardened criminal who will stop at nothing to dominate, abuse, and extract all the money.
ReplyDeleteThis attorney and therapist is now based in Round Rock, Texas (in Williamson County). She also serves clients in Austin (Travis County). If she is on your case, there is no way to get rid of her. Valerie once made the comparison of "working in the salt mines" and the kids being "ATM machines." She wasn't joking. You are like a slave to her. As such, she will never let go. That is why she also feels entitled to abuse and assault her "property."
ReplyDeleteI couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. This is stuff that you normally only see in the movies. It is only supposed to happen in 3rd world countries. But as a lawyer, Houghton gets away with anything. This escape only fuels her to escalate and never give in. One is example is Clyde Berg. He invested with Ms. Houghton's real estate company (MetaView). It turns out that she stole $10,000,000 from him. When he tried to get it back, he was prosecuted for raping a pregnant woman with a golf putter. Read it here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/clyde-berg-silicon-valley-real-estate-mogul-accused-of-assaulting-pregnant-wife-with-golf-club/
ReplyDeleteShe is bat shit crazy. I can't believe that she has been a working professional for so many years. This is because she doesn't even do any of the tasks associated with her job descriptions. Please read this: https://www.davisvanguard.org/2023/10/is-your-childs-attorney-a-crook/
ReplyDeleteI am not even the only one that she has poisoned. Daya Baran had his food poisoned during a custody fight. He was actually also trying to protect his daughter, who was being sexually abused. Now the pigmentation in his face has been damaged and he is a diabetic. Read here: https://freearianna.org/story
ReplyDeleteIf Ms. Houghton is already on your case, firing her is not an option. She will find a way to stay on. There is no way that she give up on draining out your money or getting a regular paycheck for doing nothing. The only thing that you can do is to try to protect yourself. That means you need to secure your food and protect your passwords/ electronic devices. She has no limits.
ReplyDeleteValerie is a total sociopath. Once she gets into your phone, she will start sifting through your emails and contacts. Any information will be leveraged against you. Your friends and family members will be turned against you. Everyone takes the money and Valerie knows how to put a payroll together. The irony is that it will be your money that she uses to finance this.
ReplyDeleteThere is no end product or great outcome for anyone. Valerie is an agent of chaos. She knows no other way to be. Every decision and every action will be destructive. So if you are looking for someone who has your well being in mind, look elsewhere. Houghton will destroy your life and obliterate your kids.
ReplyDeleteHacking is easier than one might think. Always keep your phone, charger and charging cable on your person at all times. Also, never turn on the wifi or bluetooth. Just in case, periodically flash the firmware on your phone. A factory reset will not do the trick if Houghton is involved. Best to use an Iphone because of this. It can be done through Itunes or by going to any apple store. She will certainly want to read/ write from your email account and see your browsing history. Houghton will also harass you electronically.
ReplyDeleteStop using computers for emailing. You can't secure one at all times. Valerie knows how to corrupt others into doing her bidding. It is definitely not out the realm of possibility that she obtains the key to your residence or car. Even your coworkers are susceptible to taking the money. You won't be able to trust anyone.
ReplyDeleteIf all of this is hard to believe, sift through these archived posts to see her social media posts and a picture of what the poison has done to me. https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/valerie-r-houghton-lmft-san-jose-2*
ReplyDeleteMaybe one day someone will stumble into this blog and can be helped in some way.
ReplyDeleteValerie Houghton is the most disgusting human being that you could possibly imagine. She destroyed my body. WHY? Because I don't want my kids to be raped? Valerie is FILTH! She proved it when she sex trafficked one of my kids for a second time. She is nothing but a PERVERTED maniac.
ReplyDeleteShe says, "She'll [my youngest daughter] have fun!" Ms. Houghton belongs in jail with all the other hardened criminals who abuse young children.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that she is a pedophile. Who else makes such comments and laughs at a 13 year old getting raped?
ReplyDeleteMake sure that you read this webpage's comments. Many of Houghton's threats and positive views of pedophilia are there. https://frankreport.com/2024/05/07/designer-child-trafficking-why-are-the-family-courts-immune/
ReplyDeleteOnly perpetual misery emanates from her. She will never relent. In her mind, it is her right to turn other people's children into sex slaves. Valerie sees herself as a divine pimp who is only collecting money that she is deserving of.
ReplyDeleteHoughton looks for all the things in your life that she can destroy. Even when no demands are placed on you, she will still be busy ruining your life. This is what gets her off. There will be subtle messages that she sends claiming responsibility in a joking manner. It is all funny to her.
Your health, career, children, home, sense of safety, money, social life, private communications are all subject to her sadistic compulsions.
Even your freedom is at stake. Valerie will figure out ways to get you jailed. You don't even have to commit a crime. Just ask Clyde Berg.
ReplyDeleteThe worst part is that Valerie is unrelenting. Remember it is her right. She has a narcissistic complex. Her clients and their assets are hers to do with what she wants.
It never ends. She will hound you and abuse you until the kids all turn 18. Houghton is completely mentally ill. She needs to be in a padded room and straight jacket, away from the community and in an institution that can contain her behavior.
Valerie Houghton is FILTH!
ReplyDeleteGo through all her posts. She is nothing but a sick pedophile. https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/valerie-houghton-violent-therapist-child-abuser/255923572
ReplyDeleteValerie keeps saying that she is "not committing crimes" and that pedophilia itself is "not a crime." This is how she justifies her sick behavior. This is how she justifies her violence and sick attitudes towards children.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that no one will hold her accountable. It is not like she uses a gun to assault her victims. Houghton uses poison, then turns it into a medical malpractice case.
Valerie will shove her pedophilic attitudes down the throats of your children. Houghton rationalizes that there is nothing wrong with having sexual relations with defenseless children. She claims that she is just "mass producing transgender youth."
ReplyDeleteEven a two year old being raped is oaky with her.
Watch out. She has expanded her operations into Texas. https://www.valeriehoughtonmft.com/
ReplyDeleteIf only Valerie could see that she has a psychological disease. She just doesn't know.
ReplyDeleteHer mind is completely obsessed with rationalized pedophilia and violence. I strongly believe that there is a correlation. Something similar must have happened in her childhood. Violence and threats of violence must have occurred in conjunction of her being raped as a child.
Now she is forcing the rest of the world to endure her experiences as she laughs at her victims.
See a more complete list of Valerie Houghton's social media posts here: https://archive.ph/https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/valerie-r-houghton-lmft-san-jose-2*
ReplyDeleteI found this article that describes why sex offenders don't have any sense of responsibility. It could explain why Ms. Houghton doesn't believe that raping children is a crime or why she thinks that sexually abusing children is just part of gender identity.
I don't understand why anyone would even consider hiring Ms. Houghton.
ReplyDeleteShe harms everyone that she comes in contact with. Even the person doing the raping gets blackmailed. She will suck out every single penny.
Just ask Clyde Berg about how she stole ten million from her, then had him arrested.
Valerie is a complete degenerate. There is nothing good about her. She is always just looking for an angle to con and/or harm the people with whom she comes in contact with.
There is no product or service that she is offering. Valerie is always the "client" you are working for her and her interests.
Valerie was just doing Clyde Berg a favor when she took his money. Once he committed to do business with her, the money was hers to take. Clyde was expected have just said thank you when he found that all the money was stolen. When he instead tried to recover it, Valerie justifiably (in her head) got angry and lashed out.
I guess that she expected the same of me when I realized that she was making my kids get raped so that she could fill her pockets with proceeds from blackmail. The scheme was supposed to continue until they turned 18.
Then she says that her victims are all crazy. Ask Clyde Berg how Valerie claimed that he was "delusional" She did the same to me.
ReplyDeleteAll the theft, child rape, violence, and terror are all examples of normal behavior for her. Everyone else is crazy for even bringing it up.
Valerie expects the rest of the world to acclimate to her norm. All the laws and accepted morality are expected to become moot once you start a business relationship with her.
She is just a big phony. You can't trust a word that she says. Even her website presents a disingenuous image that she wants people to believe.
ReplyDeleteValerie wants others to think that she is honest, gentle and caring. That's why she became a therapist. She wants to project that type of image. That image is furthest from the truth.
Once you realize this, it will likely be too late. Valerie will have likely already embedded herself into your life. Once that happen, she becomes a maniac. She will never let go.
The demands will only continue to get more obscene and the consequences for not following them will become more severe
Valerie is a narcissist. She is the center of the universe and everything must revolve around her.
DeleteThat's why she takes such offence when you disobey her. It's like a slap in the face when you refuse her demands to let your kids be sexually abused. Hence, all the violence and terror begins.how dare you question her authority? She is the VALERIE RUNYAN HOUGHTON.
How dare Violet Brooks demand that her 3 daughters be protected? Those girls only existed to serve Valerie's whims.
How dare Clyde Berg ask for his money back? He should have kept "investing" even more!
It goes on and on.
DeleteYour health and privacy also belong to her. So don't complain. It will only make her angry and double down by doing it again.
As mentioned before, after I complained, Valerie also included my youngest daughter just to show me. That daughter wasn't even part of the divorce.
She could have done it a million other ways.
DeleteBut Valerie is Valerie. If there is a child to sex traffic, she is like one of those pigs that has the ability to sniff out a truffle. It"s like a knee jerk response.
It will happen everyone the opportunity presents itself.
Even when you don't think that the opportunity exists, Valerie can sniff out that hidden opportunity.
So don't ever think that she can't do that to your kids. You cannot underestimate her ability to get a child raped.
She is that good at sex trafficking children. It is what she was built for.
DeleteI bet she could find a way to do it to 9 out of ten families. There doesn't even need to be an abusive parent. Valerie will find a way to get a rapist involved.
The key is to never have Valerie meddle in your family's business to begin with.
Even if you think that it will help you win to have such a person on your case, it will come back to bite you. Valerie has no loyalty to anyone but herself. She will throw her clients under the bus. Valerie is the most important "client" in any of her cases. It is not only an opportunity to make money, but it is also an opportunity to have fun!
Just read her posts and see the fun that she pokes at her former clients after Valerie abuses them.
It"s all shits and giggles when she harms you
So don't ever think that she is there to help.
DeleteEven the rapist is emptying out the bank account for her.
Make sure to read this case. Valerie was appointed to be minor's counsel for two young girls.
DeleteThose girls complained to their teacher about being molested. Then Houghton jumped in
Like clockwork, she got a restraining order against the parent who was not accused.
She also tried to get the no abusive parent to be psychologically evaluated.
The abusive parent then had sole custody of the children, while the other had limited supervised visitation.
Mind you, the no abusive parent didn't even make the complaint
It was the child to the teacher. And the claim was never proven to be false.
It's just that Valerie knows how to do these kinds thing and has a strong drive to sex traffic children. https://lawzilla.com/blog/michael-terpko-v-jaime-gay/comment-page-1/
Don't ever agree to an evaluation. Valerie is the one who will be writing it or chiming in.
DeleteThe report will only promote her interests.
I never met or spoke with a psychologist, yet report was written anyhow. It completely absolved Valerie specifically of any misconduct.
This is the Craziness of having Valerie on your case. She destroys everyone's life, then recreates reality with a little bit of money.
Go black and see her post on "restorative justice" which pertains to psychological evaluations.
DeleteShe says, "do I want to be right? Or do I want to be effective?"
Meaning she is wrong to force children to raped, but she can effectively still do it using "restorative justice"
She is sick to have even gloated about this.
She prefers to be "effective" over being right or wrong. There is no morality in what she does.
DeleteAt some point, you have to call a spade a spade. Valerie Houghton is a pedophile. She is a pervert that gets off on young children being raped.
ReplyDeleteShe said, "It's not rape if they want it." I can tell you that my 13 year old NEVER wanted to be anally raped. It completely traumatized him. Valerie is just projecting. SHE IS THE ONE WHO WANTED IT!
ReplyDeleteHow she described it as teaching 7th graders about gay sex is beyond me. It's called sickness for a reason. You just can't understand it. The important thing to keep your children away from Ms. Houghton. You never know what she is capable of doing.
ReplyDeleteGhislaine Maxwell did not strictly deliver children to Jeffrey Epstein. She also participated. It just goes with the territory.
There was a reply on a different blog to Valerie threatening an ex lawyer. He called her a "sick albino chomo".
ReplyDeleteYou just need to read her sick posts to understand.
When it comes to children being sexually molested, Valerie Houghton plays the role of a dominatrix. She starts assaulting anyone who opposes the abuse of the children. All the while, asserting dominance over the protective parent and children.
ReplyDeleteShe said to me, "My kids, my rules." and "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want."
Look what she did to Daya Baran.
Valerie is a complete sick-o.
It is so obvious. Valerie Houghton is mentally ill. No normal person behaves like this.
ReplyDeleteRegular people have boundaries. They don't treat other people's children like their property to sell.
They don't get into personal communications.
They certainly don't start poisoning a parent who is only expressing a biological impulse to protect his own kids.
You just simply can't expect to have a normal sane experience when you hire Ms. Houghton.
You won't find a bigger degenerate. Even Jerry Sandusky looks like a saint compared to her.
ReplyDeleteStay away from Ms. Houghton. People who belong in state institutions should not make decisions or recommendations for a family. She will destroy your children and ruin your life in the process.
ReplyDeleteShe is sick. It wasn't enough that she forced my four kids to be sexually abused. Valerie had to also include my youngest daughter. Said daughter wasn't even part of the divorce.
ReplyDeleteIf you are looking to hire a sick animal who will stop at nothing to get all of your kids raped, this is the person for you.
She is completely mentally ill. I don't understand how anyone could consider having their kids around her or listen to her parenting advice.
ReplyDeleteRunyon = RUN YOUNG
Just read her own words:
Now Valerie cries that she "lost a lot of business" because I complained.
ReplyDeleteInstead of changing course, she decided to continue sex trafficking my kids and also added my youngest daughter into her scheme.
A person with a normal mind would have just distanced themselves from the sexual abuse.
But Valerie is just plain sick. Her mind is completely focused on getting kids raped. She couldn't even come up with a solution to her business issues that didn't involve sex trafficking children.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Valerie has been getting kids raped for more than 30 years.
ReplyDeleteShe will never lift a finger to protect a child. Her actions will only involve figuring out ways to endanger them.
Terrorizing parents and abusing children is all that one should expect from Valerie. She is a complete lunatic.
ReplyDeleteWhen you complain, the violence escalates and Valerie will try to label her victims as crazy.
If you live in Travis County or Williamson County, you need to be aware of Valerie Houghton. She is a sex offender who is not be held accountable to her violent and sexual crimes.
ReplyDeleteThis is because she knows how to corrupt anyone who is investigating her. Once she has had you hacked, Valerie will know about any reports and quash any potential outcome. Houghton will then double down on her torture in order to teach you a lesson.
You might not even realize that she is involved. It's all covert.
Once you do realize that she is sex trafficking your children or ruining your life, it will be too late. She will have already embedded herself into your life.
Valerie is a sick, degenerate lawyer. Don't let her near their kids. Valerie will play out her sexual fantasias using children.
ReplyDeleteThen she will punish anyone that tries to stop her.
Please make sure to read this:
Valerie Houghton is a sick animal. Every fiber in her being is geared towards sexually abusing children. She couldn't leave it alone. Even complaints don't deter her from acting on he perversions. Now she has included my youngest daughter.
ReplyDeleteShe is not a good person